Thursday, December 27, 2007

Happy Holidays! Still At It.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and have some fun NYE plans ahead of you. So far the holidays have been great for me.

Got back at it tonight in my home studio. Started laying down some keyboards on two of the last three tunes that need’em. Spent about 4 hours and ended up getting three solid tracks down. Pretty good for a post Christmas hangover evening.

Here’s the deal. The actual breakdown of what we have to complete before we are set to start mixing this album.

Tomorrow night will mark the second to last night of tracking in the “real” studio and here’s what I hope to get done:

1. Put down the vocals for one of the first tunes we started many months ago called “Gold”. I’ve been re-working the lyrics for weeks and finally got’em together earlier this evening and I’m ready to go.

2. Put some secondary rhythm gtr’s and the final gtr solo on a tune called “Heard The Shot”. The gtr stuff is always the easiest and most fun for me.

3. Re-do a harmony vocal on another tune (working title “I Don’t Know”) that was recorded a while back. The track sounds great and my vocals have been going down pretty smooth, but this one part really kinda sucks and has to be fixed.

Once all that’s tacked down and I get the last bit of keys tracked we’ll have one last night of recording ahead of us to put down the last of the percussion stuff and fix anything we see fit after a we run through the songs with a fine tooth comb.

Sorry for the LAF "to do" post, I promise some better reading next time around.

Be well, be safe and check back often!


One of the tracks i put down tonight.

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