So this all started out when we decided to record our next album in our practice space. it somehow turned into building a control room and putting up all kinds of walls. then installing windows and doors to these not so straight walls. i've taken on the liberty of building most of this and i wanted to document it so i borrowed my mom’s camera and started this blog. the camera missed the first few days of building but i managed to snap a few pics with my phone. now for a little back story...
i've rented this garage for a while now and we use the upstairs as our practice space. we currently share the space with a metal band, no it’s not slayer. but they are just as evil, if not more. we just signed a sweet record deal with a small label based out of Philly who would like us to have a record done and out by late winter/early springish. we pondered the thought of going into a studio to make this album but we figured, we have most of the gear to record. plus we bought a couple new things and with a little help from some friends and their gear we could do this right here. all we need to do is put up some walls and run some electricity and we should be fine.
so here we are about two weeks into it and i've started a blog about it. once the construction is done we or i will keep this updated with recording news. i'm sure there will be some long beer soaked nights of recording.
other then that i think that’s it...
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